Decks Permit & Inspection Process

A building permit is required for all decks, regardless of the height above grade. For decks constructed with stairway illumination, hot tubs, and spas, an electrical permit may also be required. This presentation features step-by-step directions about how to apply for a deck permit. For info about submitting plans for residential decks, see Plan Submittal Guidelines for Residential Decks.
Montgomery County Residential Deck Details may be used in lieu of construction plans for single-span, single-level decks. These decks cannot be constructed with roofs, screened porches, hot tubs, or other additional loads.Watch this Deck Inspection video for more information about the importance of permitting your deck and keeping it well maintained.
Guidelines for Deck Maintenance (En Espanol) features more info for maintaining your deck.
A building permit is required for all decks that are supported by footings regardless of the height above grade. For decks constructed with stairway illumination or hot tubs, spas, etc., an electrical permit may also be required.
For decks constructed with stairway illumination or hot tubs, spas, etc., an electrical permit may be required. In certain circumstances a well and/or septic permits are required to complete your project. You will also need to make sure that that your project conforms to Zoning requirements.
Many of the subdivision and developments in Montgomery County have private deed restrictions and covenants regulating construction. The County does not enforce covenants and deed restrictions. You may obtain information from your homeowner’s or civic association. You may also need a permit or other permission if you live a Montgomery County municipality that requires it.
Eligible applications will be reviewed through our Residential Fast Track Process , which can result in a permit in as little as a few hours.
Other applications will be taken in and reviewed through regular review process. For adequately prepared applications it may take up to 17 days to issue the permit.
Plans must be submitted electronically using the DPS eServices system. The applicant must adhere to the ePlans submittal requirements which can be found in the process box. Please visit our eServices page for to learn about performing tasks electronically.
The Montogmery County Residential Deck Details may be used in lieu of construction plans for single span, single level decks. These decks cannot be constructed with roofs, screened porches, hot tubs, or other additional loads.
Please refer to our fee schedule for information regarding fees associated with this permit application process.
You must apply online using DPS eServices. Homeowners may apply for the building permit in their own name; however, if a contractor is to perform the work, DPS strongly suggests that the contractor be listed on the permit as the party responsible for the work. A contractor must have a Maryland Home Improvement Contractor’s (MHIC) license to obtain a permit.
Please see our list of required inspections associated with this permit application type.