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🆕The DPS Customer Service Lobby will close early, at noon, Wednesday, March 19. Apply for permits and submit construction plans online at anytime! 

💻DPS has hosted four training webinars (commercial, fire and two residential - IRCC and IECC - sessions) for the 2021 Code Adoption that becomes mandatory on Monday, March 31. The fifth and final webinar of this series, Energy/IgCC, will be held on Tuesday, March 18 on Microsoft Teams. Register today! Listen to the newest DPS Podcast episode for more information about the codes.

Log In or Create Account

Please log in below or create an account using this link: Create an Account All users must provide a valid email user account to log in. The program will send all electronic communications to the user’s email address.

Once logged in, the system will automatically log you off if your session is idle for more than 60 minutes. You will be re-directed to this log in page and all unfinished work will be lost.

Additional help about Login:
  1. Step 1 -
  2. Step 2 -
  3. Step 3 -

Notes: Password must be alpha-numeric (a-z and 0-9) only and between 6 to 30 characters.
Forgot Password - please enter E-mail before clicking the link.
Please call 240-777-0311 for help if you have any sign in problem.
We welcome your comments regarding this online system.
Please take a moment to complete our brief Satisfaction Survey.
Thank you!
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