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Online Services - Special Interests Search

Subject of Interest: hide help
Application Date: or Range from Open Calendar to Open Calendar

Please select a Subject of Interest first. Then, click the Search button to see a list of applications found. Optionally, you can set Application Date criteria for:
a pre-defined period,
a date range by defining the from and to values, or
a specific date by defining the from value.

Please only set one of the Applcaiton Date criterias. If both are defined, the Range option will be used. Click the Clear button to clear/reset all dates related entries.

The system will display up to 500 records only no matter what the Application Date criteria is.

Subject of Interest:
Demolition for Commercial Buildings over 25 Years
List applied (not issued yet) and open/active Demolition Permits for commercial buildings over 25 years
Use and Occupancy for Religious Institutions
List all Use and Occupancy Permits for religious institutions (place of Worship or Church)